xiB-64 - High-performance cameras with PCIe X8G3 interface
xiB-64 - High-performance cameras with PCIe X8G3 interface

xiB-64 - High-performance cameras with PCIe X8G3 interface

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The xiB-64 cameras stream images to the host computer via 8 lanes on a PCI Express Gen3 bus, boasting a 64 Gbit/s sustainable transfer rate. Due to the underlying technology, there is no additional latency and hardly any CPU load.This series does not compromise and is extremely useful where the highest data rates are required, either for simultaneous speed, bit depth, and resolution or for extremely high frame rates. It features high-speed sensors (1.3 Mpix at > 3500 FPS) all the way to ultra high-res sensors with unmatched framerates (65 Mpix at 72 FPS). An integrated 4 GB buffer ensures that no frames are dropped. The cameras can be fully synchronized with their multiple GPIOs. The active EF lens mount adapter enables the combination with a wide array of superb optics, the use of optical fiber cables allows distances up to 100 m between cameras and host computer without any performance penalty and even 300 m with reductions in frame rate. - Fastest overall speed - 64 Gbit/s, with real bandwidth of 7000 MB/s - High resolution up to 65 Mpix, fast sensors 1 Mpix at 3500+ FPS - Future potential - Highest speed utilizing of PCIe x8 Gen3 interface - Long reach - Can work with optical cable at 300 m distances - Versatile mini camera - Subtle 60 x 70 x 55 mm, weight of mere 268 grams
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