Vijoint ONE
Vijoint ONE

Vijoint ONE

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Designed to refine joint function, VIJOINT ONE helps revitalize articular fluid, enhancing its viscosity and performance. This product provides a leading synovial fluid replacement therapy for those suffering from joint issues. This ready to use innovative solution with 20 mg/ml of hyaluronic acid, VIJOINT ONE delivers a high-quality, transparent, sterile, and non-pyrogenic fluid in a convenient 3 ml pre-filled syringe for intra-articular injection. Found in abundance in healthy tissues, hyaluronic acid is considered a natural, key nutrient in joints accounting for its significance in lubricating and shock absorbing properties. Whenever lost or depleted, the viscoelastic features of VIJOINT ONE work to rejuvenate the synovial fluid in your joint, with the goal of facilitating movement, restoring comfort and improving quality of life.
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